Installation Spotlight: Ensley Baptist Church

One of Oncore AV’s core beliefs is to help organizations and small businesses be seen and heard. Most recently, we had the opportunity to work with the local Blythefield Hills Baptist Church on their latest expansion to the new Ensley campus in Sand Lake.  For this renovation, Oncore AV was challenged to design and install an entirely new A/V system that would work with the budget of the project as well as meet the needs of the church.

At Ensley, Oncore AV used JBL products like the CBT 1000 line array speaker, a great choice for a place of worship, as they offer tapered horizontal wave-guide which delivers superior coverage in both the front and rear corners of a room and to provide consistent front-to-back sound levels and clarity.  The speakers also blend in with the space’s decor aesthetic.  The sleek design and low profile allowed the speakers to virtually “disappear” into the design of the back wall of the sanctuary.

Ensley Screen 2

The sleek design of the CBT 1000 speakers camouflages them against the background design of the sanctuary. Can you see them hanging just beneath the first row of lights?

Oncore AV strives to match each client with the ideal set of equipment that will compliment their space, function in accordance to their needs and work within their budget.

For more information on how Oncore AV can help you get the most out of your place of worship, contact us at 616-259-9193 or visit us at our home on the web!